Scott Behrendt for Redondo Beach City Council 2023

1 Contribution

  • $10


  • $25


  • $50


  • $100


  • $500


  • $1000


  • $1200


2 Personal Information

First Contributor
Joint Address
First Contributor

If you have no occupation or employer, do not leave blank. For occupation use general terms such as 'manager', 'homemaker', or 'none.' If not employed by a company, use terms such as 'self', 'retired', or 'unemployed.'

3 Payment Method

Credit Card Icon

CVC on Visa/MasterCard/Discover is a 3 digit code on the back of the card. CVC on AMEX is a 4 digit code on the front of the card.

This is the custom employment information requirements message

I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the City of Redondo Beach, County of Los Angeles, and the State of California, that all of the information I have provided on this contribution form, including the following statements, is true and correct:

  • This contribution is not being made under a false name, is not being made under another person’s name, and has not been and will not be reimbursed. 
  • This contribution does not cause me to exceed my contribution limit of $1,200. I understand that all contributions I make to this candidate or committee must be cumulated. I understand that a contribution from another individual or entity whose contribution activity I control, such as a business that I own or control, must be aggregated with this contribution, and both contributions will be treated as a single contribution from me.  
  • I am a United States citizen or a lawfully admitted permanent resident (i.e., green card holder). 
  • I am an individual, and this contribution is made with my personal funds.
  • I am not a person that is prohibited from contributing under the Redondo Beach City Charter or Municipal Code, or the laws of the County of Los Angeles or the State of California.
  • For those whose total contributions exceed $250 -- I have not within the last three (3) months been, I am not currently, and I do not anticipate being within the next twelve (12) months, a party (or agent of any party) or a participant (i.e., a person who actively supports or opposes a particular decision and has a financial interest in the outcome of a decision) in any proceeding before the Redondo Beach Planning Commission (including any application or proceeding regarding licenses, permits, or other entitlements for use).