Wednesday, May 01 2024
The Seabird Ocean Resort & Spa
101 Mission Ave
Oceanside, CA 92054
Advance Oceanside PAC is a committee of the Oceanside Chamber of Commerce focused on supporting pro-business candidates for Oceanside City Council.
Join us to support our efforts in the 2024 City Council races. Enjoy delicious hors d'oeuvres, a complimentary drink ticket, networking with current and past elected officials.
wednesday, may 1st, 2024
5:30-7:00pm | (VIP Sponsor Reception @ 5pm)
the seabird ocean resort & spa
101 mission ave, oceanside, ca 92054
$250 - suggested donation for 1 ticket $500 - 3 event tickets $1,000 - 5 event tickets & company mentioned by event emcee $2,500 - 10 event tickets & logo recognition as event sponsor $5,000 - 10 event tickets, VIP reception, & logo recognition at event sponsor (top billing) Contributions are not deductible for income tax purposes. FPPC regulations require us to collect and report the name, address, employer and occupation of all donors who aggregate more than $100 in a calendar year. State law prohibits reimbursing donors for their contribution.