We Stand With Dave Reichert

                 Contributions are limited to $2,400 per person or $4,800 for a married couple. Contributions are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.

1 Contribution

  • $25

  • $50

  • $100

  • $250

  • $500

  • $1200

  • $2400

  • $4800

2 Personal Information

First Contributor
Joint Address
First Contributor

If you have no occupation or employer, do not leave blank. For occupation use general terms such as 'manager', 'homemaker', or 'none.' If not employed by a company, use terms such as 'self', 'retired', or 'unemployed.'

3 Payment Method

Credit Card Icon

CVC on Visa/MasterCard/Discover is a 3 digit code on the back of the card. CVC on AMEX is a 4 digit code on the front of the card.

Contributions are subject to the limitations and prohibitions of Washington’s Fair Campaign Practices Act. By making this contribution, I certify that each of the following is true:

  • I am an individual.
  • I am a citizen of the United States or am lawfully admitted to the United States for permanent residence.
  • I am at least eighteen years of age.
  • I am making this contribution with my own funds and on my own behalf, and not on behalf of another person or entity or while acting as the intermediary or agent of another person or entity. No conduit or intermediary has exercised any direction or control over my choice to make this contribution.