Want to donate with a check to help minimize costs to the campaign?
You can mail your check made out to:
Harris Mojadedi for College Board 2022
P.O. Box 9980, San Jose CA 95157
Please include: 1) First and Last Name 2) Address 3) Email and Phone 4) Occupation and 5) Employer
(not submitting the 5 items above may require a return of your donation).
Contributions to this committee are not deductible for income tax purposes. Donors, including individuals, businesses, unions, corporations, and PAC's may contribute an unlimited amount per election and individual donors must provide Full Name*, Address*, Occupation*, and Employer*.
The committee cannot accept cash over $99, cashier's checks, or money orders (credit cards, personal, or business checks are acceptable).
All information with an * is required by law.
Contact information provided will be transmitted to the committee. eFundraisingConnections.com assumes no responsibility or obligation for the protection of the privacy of this information by the committee. Credit Card information will be used for processing only and will not be shared with the committee or any third party except for the express purposes of processing or as required by law.
Charges will appear as "HMojadedi2022" on your credit card statement.