Sacramento County election laws currently limit contributions in an election year to $1,500 per election cycle. A married couple may give $3,000 per election cycle but both parties must sign the check. Businesses and PACs with less than 25 employees or member/donors are limited to $1,500. Businesses and PACs with more than 25 employees or member/donors are limited to $ 3,000 per election cycle
WARNING: Chapter 2.115 of the Sacramento County Code regulates contributions to campaigns for County elective office. Before making a contribution to my campaign, please read Chapter 2.115, and in particular sections 2.115.255, 2.115.260, 2.115.300 and 2.115.310 to determine if your contribution complies with chapter 2.115. For more information on these codes, please contact the Sacramento County Elections Office at (916)875-6451.
Contributions are not deductable for state or federal tax purposes.