Holly J. Mitchell for County Supervisor 2024

1 Contribution

  • $10

  • $25

  • $50

  • $100

  • $500

  • $1500

2 Personal Information

First Contributor
Joint Address
First Contributor

If you have no occupation or employer, do not leave blank. For occupation use general terms such as 'manager', 'homemaker', or 'none.' If not employed by a company, use terms such as 'self', 'retired', or 'unemployed.'

3 Payment Method

Credit Card Icon

CVC on Visa/MasterCard/Discover is a 3 digit code on the back of the card. CVC on AMEX is a 4 digit code on the front of the card.

This is the custom employment information requirements message

I certify that this donation is not from a party, participant, or agent of a party or participant, to a proceeding for a license, permit, or other entitlement for use currently pending before the LA County Board of Supervisors, or on which the Board made a final decision within the preceding 12 months. (Gov’t Code § 84308.)