Friends of Frank Guzman 2022

Dear Friend,

Recently, I made the decision to run for Water Board for Division 1 of the Three Valley's Municipal Water District.  This position represents Pomona Council Districts 2, 3 & 5 (South Pomona). I made this decision after attending several meetings and noticing that we really do not have a strong voice at the table.  When it comes to water, we must have a voice.  We are currently in a drought, have some of the worst drinking water in the nation, and we need to conserve like our future depends on it.  The reality is, our future does depend on it! Water equals life and we haven't been taking it seriously.  Many individuals do not have access to clean drinkable water.  We need change that!  We also need to start talking about water frequently, not just during election year.  We need to ensure our k-12 educational system integrates water education into the curriculum.  We also need to demand that our representatives invest in the infrastructure of our water supply. 

I am running because I want to see progress!  I am willing to put in the work to ensure we have seat at the table; a vibrant voice that echoes the sentiments of the community, and one that demands change for South Pomona.  Water is a human right and we need to treat it as such!

Thank you for your support!

Frank C. Guzman  

Your friend,

1 Contribution

  • $25


  • $50


  • $75


  • $99


  • $150


  • $250


  • $500


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